Pantry Makeover

My pantry has been in need of a reorganization for a while. Let's just say it has been a hot mess for way too long now. My daughter was with us this past week and she decided to work on our pantry! Score!!

Before pic

We sat down together and worked on a plan for things that I needed for the pantry such as new containers, baskets, and other bins that we would need for good organization. She got on the computer and found some good options on Amazon and they arrived in just a few days! I can't believe we are actually going to get this pantry done!

So the next big task was to take everything out of the pantry! We tackled this project one evening when everyone was out of the house. I thought this part was never going to end!

I checked expiration dates on every package and can that we took out of the pantry and I threw away a lot of items! That was an eye opener. I need to check dates on my food more often and rotate my food better. Lesson learned! It took us a few hours to move everything out of the pantry and wipe down the shelves. We also cleaned the floors and made everything good as new.

Baskets, bins, canisters and labels

Here are the products I used for my pantry!

Sterilite White Baskets, 6-pack

Spinning Wheel Pantry Organizer

Sealing Canisters, 4-pack

Smaller white baskets, 6-pack

You can use any baskets or bins that you have around the house! I needed a refresh, so I picked similar colors. I received beautiful labels from TalentedKitchen! You can find her stuff on Amazon!




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